How to hurricane proof your roof

Learn how to protect your roof from damaging winds and rain from hurricanes. Roofs are especially vulnerable to wind and water damage from hurricanes. A hurricane is one of the most destructive forces that can hit your home.

While north Florida has been lucky to see only minimal tropical activity . Florida codes for hurricane – proofing your home focus on the roof , the. Without the roof , the interior of the house is exposed to winds, rain and . Because your roof is so important to the survival of your house and your.

Advice on the website floridadisaster. Simple steps can reduce the. Hurricane – Proof Your Roof. Certain home shapes and roof types can better resist high winds and hurricanes, according to new research.

Your source for the latest research news. Content provided courtesy of USAA. When storm season approaches one of the key components to keeping you and your family warm and dry is your roof.

Tornadoes, cyclones, and other storms with strong winds damage or destroy many buildings. Areas of Your Home to Storm – Proof.

Homes with gabled roofs are more likely to suffer damage from high winds. These ideas will help you strengthen your home against dangerous,. Regardless of your roof type, hurricane straps are designed to help hold the roof to the . The two areas that can make the biggest difference in making your home storm – resistant are the roof and the windows.

Opinions vary regarding the best roofing surface materials for hurricane protection. The fiberglass-base shingles are more fire and wind resistant and have longer life . Safety- proof your landscaping.