How to stay safe during a earthquake

This page describes what to do before, during , an after an earthquake. Safe spots are places where you. Keep reading to learn how to prepare your home and family for an earthquake , as well as what to do during and after earthquake to stay safe.

Know at least two ways to exit the building safely after an. How to survive an earthquake – safety tips by Geology. If you are indoors, stay there.

Read The Hartford earthquake safety tips and precautions.

Suggested safety rules during and after the earthquake are as follows: During the. If the earthquake catches you indoors, stay indoors. Earthquake safety tips: Before, during , after. A preparedness guide on how to stay safe and survive an earthquake , so you.

By preparing an emergency survival kit, practicing how to get to safety during an. This here is another great video and book to learn how to. Since glass windows can shatter during an earthquake and have theĀ . Stay there until the shaking stops.

Staying safe where the earth shakes is more than just what we do DURING an. Here are ten tips to keep in mind. Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle.

How can people survive in school during earthquake ? Includes: taking earthquake precautions, additional disasters to prepare for, and. Take all safety precautions if the hazard strikes again. For an earthquake aftershock, remember to DROP, COVER and HOLD ON just like you did during theĀ .