Hurricane activity

There is no tropical storm activity for this region. We offer long-range forecasts of hurricane , typhoon and tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic, NW Pacific, SW Pacific and Indian Ocean basins. Follow latest developments as Irma moves up the west coast of Florida.

Official US government forecasts for Atlantic basin tropical cyclones. El Niño–Southern Oscillation . Tropical Atlantic Headquarters. One cycle that is well-defined in the Atlantic .

This indicator examines the frequency, intensity, and duration of hurricanes and other. Gerry Bell, a lead seasonal hurricane forecaster with NOAA, said in an August . Modulation of hurricane activity in the gulf of mexico by the madden-julian oscillation. The Cape Verde hurricane season in the Atlantic basin is also ramping up. Activity Statistics Update Press Releases.

A fun movie and quiz about hurricanes. As the strongest Atlantic hurricane in recorded history continues to wreak havoc in the Caribbean, two more threats have emerged in the form of . Past hurricane activity reconstructed using cave deposits: Have humans increased storm risk? Observed Variations in Atlantic.

Predicting the Climate of the Coming Decades. Chris Landsea, National Hurricane Center, . Some speculations are given on future hurricane activity in the North Atlantic, including a . Worldwide, tropical cyclone activity peaks in late summer, when the. As to whether climate change has somehow made this year worse, the links between climate change and hurricane activity are complex and . Senior Petroleum analyst with Gasbuddy.

Dan McTeague says Hurricane Harvey was responsible for the recent spike at the pumps in . Discover Your World With NOAA. Fortunately, not all hurricane months have the same amount of activity. Yet because hurricane season officially starts the first of .