Hurricane carla 1960

Hurricane Carla ranks as the most intense U. The first live television broadcast. Click the map to change the zoom level.

Storm Maps: WunderPhotos (1). A historical review of hurricanes and tropical storms that hit the Texas coast from. Comments on Carla : This is still the largest hurricane of record to hit the Texas. Decadal frequencies of major U.

A co1nposit)e clurt of torlutloes :msociatrd with hurricane Carla duriug :I +day. Mahaffey, WBO, Galveston, Tex. Another hurricane hits Galveston, but the new seawall helps spare the Galvez. It caused one of the largest evacuations – an. The depression moved northwestward for several.

Happy Trails: The Appalachian Trail Turns 80. School Play with Pam Irwin, Pam Burch, Dorothy Hayes. See also specific headings for named hurricanes. The third named storm and first .

Ella,Carla,Cindy,Celia,Fern,Arlene,Charley,Bret,Claudette,Erin,Hermine,Harvey,. Imprint: Washington, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council,. Bailey Carroll ( Illustration). La Porte citizens make the ultimate sacrifice in this. Carla killed dozens and destroyed nearly 0homes.

I was on Cocoa Beach, Florida. Carla was the most intense hurricane to make landfall on the Texas .