Hurricane irene deaths

State-by-state roundup of fatalities attributed to the storm. Authorities are trying to determine whether an additional death reported in New York . The storm was blamed for one fire death in Prospect and authorities were looking for a .

The deaths reported so far included victims of car accidents and . Additionally, Irene is responsible . States of Emergency were declared in . Some deaths have been attributed directly or indirectly to the storm, which .

Hurricane Irene by the numbers: state by state damage reports. The flooding has brought the death toll from hurricane Irene to with whole towns swept away and the state of Vermont particularly badly . Reports indicate that Irene was directly responsible for deaths : in the . The total is derived from state and local law enforcement agencies, . Irene : Death toll reaches as recovery begins. That fact was demonstrated this week as Irene , a hurricane that on paper. Malloy said was apparently caused by wires knocked down by the storm.

East Coast Saturday night, bearing punishing winds, rain and . Preliminary reports indicate that Irene was directly responsible for direct deaths : in.

Bahamas, where Irene was the strongest. STORY: Irene retired from hurricane list. Eight deaths were indirectly blamed on the storm, including five deaths by . Irene was responsible for deaths in its path: five in the Dominican Republic, three in Haiti and 41 . Pictured below are the two storms . Irene would later bring devastating impacts closer to home.

Coast reportedly lost power, and at least deaths were blamed on . Irene: Deaths , Flooding, Power Losses State-ByState. Connecticut has seen destruction and death from hurricanes in more. Connie, Diane, Gloria, Bob, Floy Irene , Sandy.