Hurricane safety plan

Hurricanes are strong storms that can be life-threatening. Feel better prepared for one with these safety and recovery tips from the American Red Cross today. Please follow these important hurricane preparedness tips from CDC: Preparing for a.

Because hurricane preparedness activities become difficult once. Emergency Supplies You Will. Be ready to put your plan and preparation into action. A thorough evacuation plan.

These documents can be stored in the hurricane kit or in any safe location that does not risk . If you plan to ride out the storm in your home, make sure it is in good repair and . Production companies should put their hurricane plan in writing not only for your. An often over-looked segment of hurricane safety is the workplace. This Survival Plan provides steps to improve employee safety and protect property as well . A hurricane safety plan determines where everyone will go if they need to leave. Plan ahead and coordinate with family and friends who live out of town. The following checklist helps guide university to prepare for the annual Atlantic hurricane season, running June through November.

Create and review your family emergency plan.

Ensure you have an emergency communication plan in place prior to the storm, . Click through our checklist to help you prepare and ensure the safety and . According to the National Weather Service, the hurricane and tropical storm. Implement the hurricane emergency action plan. For tips on being prepared before, during, and . With hurricane season approaching, people in south Louisiana could face widespread.

Know the hurricane risks in your area, and your community safety plan.