Hurricane survival

NARRATOR: Could this be what your home looks like after the next hurricane strikes? Is your “go bag” prepared with the right . Even if you live in an area not .

For the past twenty years, Leon County has . Get your personalized hurricane survival guide. Here are the essential hurricane supplies you should keep on hand. A hurricane is defined as any tropical or subtropical storm with winds above.

These storms can develop suddenly from small . What you need in an emergency survival kit. Many of us have experienced the . We also think about what they might need to . Today, satellites and supercomputers have vastly improved hurricane forecasting and warning. This hurricane survival kit contains nearly everything you need to get through the storm. AARP offers suggestions from our Florida and Texas offices for precautions and how to stay safe during hurricane season. Hurricane Survival Materials.


USE THE INFORMATION BELOW TO PUT TOGETHER YOUR HURRICANE SURVIVAL. But along and near the coast, what is the single biggest . Sure, everyone rushes to the store to buy milk, bread and water when hurricanes (or snow) are in the forecast. After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days.

Being prepared means having your own foo water and other supplies to last for at . When natural disasters strike, Charity International provides children and their families with foo clothing and basic supplies to help them cope and begin to . Gather the supplies that are listed. You may need them if your family is confined at . A kit should be customized to your specific needs and .