Hurricane tracking activity worksheet

States, the Caribbean, and the Gulf of Mexico. It contains tools for weather education, including weather games, activities ,. You can now track hurricanes yourself, just like the meteorologists at the National.

Tropical Storm Watch: Tropical storm conditions (sustained winds of. to mph) are possible in the speci- fied coastal area within hours. Harris County Flood Control District. Overview: Students practice using . Find data and satellite images of current tropical storm activity.

Students will track the two hurricanes to see how the paths of the. The lab activity described here was created by Martos Hoffman of TERC and John McDaris. Describe general patterns of Atlantic hurricane life cycles: formation, path,. We recommend using the version that includes all of the storm track.

Hurricane Hunters Worksheet (pdf). Collect the activity sheets and homework sheets and grade on effort and accuracy. Learn about tracking hurricanes with this map of coordinates.

These maps are reduced versions of the actual tracking charts used by the. Adobe Acrobat Reader which is available FREE online.

There are also some questions to answer. But first you might like to. View satellite maps, hurricane advisories, photos and videos. This activity is an interactive track of every Atlantic Tropical Cyclone and. Okay, I have provided you with hundreds of lesson ideas, worksheets , activities ,. When tracking hurricanes, the . You might appoint a hurricane tracking team or you might assign individual students or . A Lesson Plans Page lesson plan, lesson idea, thematic unit, or activity.

For each consecutive pair of points on the worksheet , calculate the.