Hurricane agnes death toll

Total number of deaths: 128. By the time the storm dissipate damages were in the billions and 1people were dead. Pennsylvania, nearly half the entire casualty toll of the hurricane.

The storm was blamed for 1deaths and nearly $billion in damage. This hurricane caused heavy casualties and extensive destruction along its path. Florida suffered nine deaths, over 1in- juries, and $million in.

The death toll of will likely be.

However, most of the fatalities did not occur on lan but at sea – particularly on Navy destroyer USSĀ . The New York Times has an interactive guide to the dollar tolls , adjusted for. Overall, Agnes caused 1fatalities and nearly $billion in damage. Seven of eight fatalities from tropical cyclones in the U. Hurricane Death Toll at Least 12. Agnes Stanley, 8 died inside her home in Houston on Sunday.

Helicopter and airplane crashes added to the death toll. After coming ashore on the Gulf coast of Florida, Agnes spun across Georgia and. Atlantic and is responsible for 1deaths.

Texas governor Greg Abbott later told CBS he was “not capable at this time of confirming” the number of fatalities caused by the hurricane. Gulf of Mexico Monday, but it left an uncertain death toll in its path. Vehicle related deaths accounted for percent of casualties , and of.

HURRICANE AGNES JUNE 14-CONTINUED – 316. For flooding of this consequence the storm death toll of 1is very light. Maryland had the highest per capita death toll of all five statesĀ . That caused much destruction in the East part of the United States.

While the number of casualties from these storms have gone down over the years , the.